Lean and and let go

I have been leaning too much on getting almost perfect outcome on any projects undertaken until a recent drastic event becoming a turning point of my life. I learn that excellent work becomes nothing compared to excellent health.

Well…it is a bit horrifying to learn that if the stress of work put its toll on your health. Now, I learn to let go of my perfectionism and be grateful with what I have now. I learn to appreciate my parents, my husband, my son, my brothers, my sisters, my nephews and my nieces. Take time off to rejuvenate my tired body and my stressful emotion. Get close with Allah s.w.t. and ask for his help to give me strength to overcome any obstacles. The most important is take life as it is and embrace life with your loved ones. Insya Allah…healthy body, mind and soul will put more millage to a meaningful life.

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